Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What Did He Say?

Just recently I and many other people watched the most adorable video with twin boys chatting it up like they knew exactly what the other was saying. Since then quite a few people have asked Matt and I if we could relate to that, and of course we can! The little guys in that video are about a year younger and almost as cute as our twins! Just kidding, even I will admit those little guys are totally adorable! Back to the subject, our guys do have a language of their own, but they also speak pretty well to others. It seems like the things they say to one another are almost telepathic. They share the same emotions and ideas about almost everything. That passion they share for similar things is what makes sharing such a difficult concept. Brenden and Garhett are very sensitive to one another. They both are very bothered when the other is hurt or upset. They also care when their sisters are upset, but not quite the same way. It is hard to explain how they are alike exactly, it is just something you get to experience when you have twins that live with you. I remember before we even were expecting with twins just how little I knew about them. I really had no reason to know anything at all about twins never having known any prior to our boys. Their bond is not something people who are born as a "singleton" can try to recreate with another person. I do not care how close or how connected one person may feel towards another, it's simply not the same! I find that I am very close with a few people and I think I could answer almost any question about them, but I still did not share a womb with them, and that is something no one can say unless you were born a multiple. Being a twin must be very neat, as an observer it seems like it would be pretty fun. Our boys have an entire life time to spend with their best friend and probably someone who is the closest to a soul mate they will ever know, I find that to be an awesome thing. Some people never get the chance to share such a bond with someone else. I wonder some times what it is like for people who are triplets or quads or even higher order multiples. Do they feel as close to their siblings as twins since there are more of them or do they divide into groups? The next time our little guys make you feel like a third wheel, just try laughing with them. More than likely they will look at you like you are crazy, but who isn't when you are at our house?

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