Sunday, January 2, 2011

Catching Up

At our house we have been very busy, like most other households during this time of year! For whatever reason someone thought it would be a good idea to add a pair of birthdays into the mix. Oh, and to also make me feel like crap for a few weeks! Now that we are settling down again, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year! I know our kiddos had a really nice holiday season! They were spoiled beyond belief, as usual! It was so nice to see them getting excited when they opened their packages. It did take Brenden and Garhett quite a while to get around to opening everything. It was also nice to have all morning to hang out with the kids and eat breakfast before having to go anywhere, the boys even finished napping before we had to leave. Santa was very good to our group this year. So good in fact, Apryl and Alexys had a hard time thinking of something to spend their gift cards on! I kept urging them to wait a while to spend them, but you all know how kids are when they have money to spend! All in all, we had a real nice day. Christmas Eve started it all for the kiddos when they went to "uncle" Jim's and came home with a bunch of loot! That kinda put our Christmas Eve pajamas to shame!! In a good way though. Lots of catching up for me on here, and around the house. I know it's late but Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone we weren't with and Happy Birthday to Grandpa Mike who now has to share his B-day!! Happy Birthday to Grandma Nora too!!

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