Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good Choices

In the past month or so our youngest daughter has become quite the perfectionist. She is constantly talking to her brothers about making the "good choices". According to Addy they more often than not make bad choices! She is particularly infuriated while the three of them are playing together. Addysen sees EVERYTHING differently than her brothers and this usually incites a mini riot. You know what they say about the road to hell, it's paved with the best intentions, I think this also applies when Addy is trying to "help" the boys put a puzzle together or build a Lego house! She does have an abundant amount of patience which her brothers should be thankful for. If she wasn't so patient she probably would have locked them in a closet by now or at least taught them how to play with the electrical outlets! Addysen also loves to play house or any game that gives her the opportunity to change her name to Vanessa! When the boys stray from her plans and tell her she has to be a boy, I eventually see them being chased down the hallway with Addy closing in on them and a look of extreme anger on her face. "Mom, tell them I am NOT a boy!!!", "the boys want me to be Peter Pan" or they will want her to be Batman, you know male characters. I guess that is payback for all the times she made them be princesses. It is hard to watch her get so upset for the littlest things (I think they are little anyway). Coloring a tad outside the lines, not remembering all the words to her favorite song, getting jelly on her hands, all examples of things that drive her crazy! She is super smart, and like Apryl, the feeling of having to be perfect at everything is something she has to learn to handle. Apryl did it, Addy can too.