Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We're Not Babies!!

I am having to come to terms with our littlest people becoming not so little people any longer. There are a few things a mother can count on when she has children, an unlimited amount of hugs (no matter what age), a lot of noise--laughter included, an unbelievable amount of questions, and a little growing up! Although many of us forget our kiddos are going to be getting bigger, myself included. I guess it's not that I forgot human beings grow, I just got caught up in the time I have spent with them as my little ones. I have many nick names for each of our kiddos. I called my boys "baby" until I was recently chastised by Garhett for daring to refer to him as anything but a big boy!! He made certain that I knew he was not only a boy, but a big one! Then he proceeded to tell me he would no longer be using his hooded towel. "Those are for babies!" were his exact words. I was a little crushed I have to admit. I love the little hooded towel with the cute little ears, which is probably the same reason he refused to use it any more! We are now officially done with all "baby" gear. We quit using the booster seats at the table, our baby gate has moved onto greener pastures (my brothers house), the cribs have been gone for over a year, diapers are a thing of the past---big YAY for that, there is nothing left other than a few mementos I want to keep FOREVER!! I guess our family is entering a new stage in our journey together. I do appreciate not having to wake four or five times a night to feed a baby, and the diaper thing, well that goes without saying, our level of communication is much better as well---for mom anyway, and I also love the ease of getting them in the car for an outing--no more packing the entire house to go to the park!! In the end, I just wonder where does the time go?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wish Lists...

Having five children inevitably comes with many demands, most of which are expected. Lately it seems the older they all get, the more they demand. I guess it is partly because our little ones can communicate much better now. Every commercial they see always has something in it they absolutely need or they might just die!! I hear their little feet running down the hallway to tell me about the newest and hottest toy. Out of breath they are trying to convey to me how much a new La La Loopsey would mean to them or a new Cars 2 race car set!! This is one of the many reasons they have a limited amount of t.v. time. Of course they are not handed everything they want at the moment they want it, it is reality after all. Demands are not just specified to toys however. These little ones demand food, and lunch had better be ON TIME I tell ya!! If they happen to be served something they don't care for, it feels like WWIII is taking place in my kitchen! I think to myself, "do they not know who I am??", because this mother in no way shape or form stands for that behavior! Since our boys have come along, our "time-out" chair has more action than ever! That chair probably wishes it could have earplugs also, since it has been the scene of many a melt down! When they said patience is a virtue they weren't kidding! Whomever they are? (Probably someone who never had children!) The list of demands grows with each passing day: drinks, what underwear they are going to put on, what book we will read, who gets to play with what superhero (dudes), where they sit at dinner. To some this may seem like these little guys are simply particular and know what they want, but to their mother, it feels like a constant argument...not to mention exhausting! Why all the negotiating?? I am so sick of hearing myself talk, I can only imagine how my kiddos feel?!? Having older children as well, I have found that the negotiating continues, but better listening skills on their part does help a ton! We are in the middle of negotiations as we speak, with Apryl, she wants a phone. And I quote, "I am the only one in my grade with out a phone, so I should have one!". Last time I checked, Matt and I parented by our rules, not her friends' parents rules. So, she will get a phone when WE find it necessary, that goes over like a lead balloon! Her list continues, that girl wants everything under the sun! Another thing about the older ones is that their wishes are much more expensive and name brands are the only options available! Their demands also include going places now. So, being so burnt out from going and going, we have a four day weekend this week and I already let them know we are NOT doing anything!! I need to relax and hang out. I think I will write a list of demands for them to fulfill over the extended weekend, and if they are done they will get to continue having a roof over their heads, dinner on the table, water to shower with and electricity to watch their favorite shows!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Did I Really Just Do That..

Okay, so if we as mothers are really honest with ourselves and others, there are many things we do throughout our days that seem perfectly normal to us, but may be a tad weird to others. I started to think of all the odd behavior I exhibit after walking past a few unattended chicken nuggets and thinking how much I wanted to inhale them! WHY on Earth would any adult want to take a dinosaur shaped piece of chicken away from their sweet child?? I can't say for sure, but I was able to talk my son into giving mommy just a little bite! It led to me remembering that I actually do have somewhat of a more sophisticated palate as far as some things are concerned. The chicken nuggets gave to way to my thinking about other things that moms (and some dads) do when in the throws of child rearing. The past two weeks have brought runny noses off and on, and a tissue is not always on hand. While you are reading this go ahead and raise your hand if you also have used your shirt or coat or even your fingers to wipe a little nose! I mean seriously, how long can you let it run down their faces, or watch them try and lick their faces before you go to such an extreme? In my experience...not very long! We are usually stacked with tissues all over the house and in the car, but every once in a while you gotta do what you gotta do. I have found myself "helping" with school projects to the point where I have sat and completed the project before my oldest two have even gotten home from school. I wish I could have done that with my own school projects! I have let my boys pee in or on countless parking lots, driveways (don't worry, not yours!), trees at the park...ect.ect. They don't seem to be able to hold it as well as the girls. I think the worst thing is when I catch myself singing, and happily singing a song from Yo Gabba Gabba or Dora the Explorer. While doing the dishes or folding laundry, I can find myself getting down to "Don't Bite Your Friends"! Hmmm...good advice at any age!!